Exploring Abstraction

2024 Collection

2024: The Year I Embraced Artistic Organization

As 2024 began, I committed to a transformative resolution: to bring order to my artistic practice. With over 200 paintings filling my studio, it became clear that a system was essential to organize my creative endeavors. ArtworkArchive became my digital solution, enabling me to catalog and document each piece systematically. This process not only brought structure but also evoked memories of the creative journeys behind every brushstroke. These pieces, now meticulously archived, form a comprehensive narrative of my artistic evolution.

This year has also marked a turning point in my creative direction. I began work on a new collection centered around contemporary abstract art, exploring dynamic forms and concepts that reflect my evolving vision. In some cases, older works served as canvases for transformation—painted over to retain their original textures while embracing fresh expressions. This juxtaposition of the old and the new mirrors the essence of growth and reinvention in art and life.

Organizing my portfolio and creating this collection has been more than a logistical exercise; it has been a journey of introspection and discovery. Each archived piece and every newly crafted work offers deeper insights into my artistic trajectory, showcasing how structure and creativity can coexist to fuel innovation.